Battle Realms II: Winter of the Wolf (USA) PC


Battle Realms – Winter of the Wolf is a Real-time strategy game developed by Crave Entertainment and published by Ubisoft. Compared to its counterparts like Red Alert, Starcraft and other RTS game, it is quite unique. The story is set in the war among the Wolf Clan, the Serpent Clan and the Lotus. In my opinion, the campaign is a masterpiece. If you’ve already played Red Alert series or the like, you should give it a try. Because it deserves a try, that’s all.

System Requirements:

Operating system: Windows 7, XP, 8.1, 10 32-bit or 64-bit
CPU: Intel Pentium 4 or higher
Memory: 512 MB of RAM
Hard drive: 1 GB
Graphics hardware: DirectX 8 compliant 32MB VRAM 3D AGP accelerated video card.
How to Play:

Extract the .rar file
Run Battle_Realms_F.exe


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